
Zaid Khatib


Bib: 688 Sex: M Age: 34 Residence: Hudson, OH




25.75M 42:41
21.4M 39:23
16.9M 31:32
13.1M 15:16
11.2M 58:27
4.6M 37:27
25.75M 42:41
21.4M 39:23
16.9M 31:32
13.1M 15:16
11.2M 58:27
4.6M 37:27

Average Pace

8:46 per mile (view kilometer pace) 8:49 per mile (view kilometer pace)

Age Graded %

53 percent (view time) 53 percent (view time)

Overall Place

118 out of 678 119 out of 678

Sex Place

99 out of 422 Men 100 out of 422 Men

Division Place

22 out of 59 Men in M3034 22 out of 59 Men in M3034
(See complete M3034 results)
Finisher Certificate
Detailed Results
Location Race Time Time of Day Pace Between Overall Place Division Place Sex Place Age Graded Place Passed / By
Finish 3:49:24 10:50:51 10:26 118/678 22/59 99/422 250/678 0/2
25.75M 3:44:42 10:46:10 9:49 117/675 21/58 98/421 248/675 5/7
21.4M 3:02:02 10:03:30 8:45 118/675 23/59 103/421 247/675 21/0
16.9M 2:22:40 9:24:08 8:18 142/675 25/59 120/421 299/675 15/2
13.1M 1:51:09 8:52:36 8:02 167/676 28/58 142/421 340/676 1/3
11.2M 1:35:54 8:37:21 8:52 165/675 27/58 140/419 349/675 7/21
4.6M 37:27 7:38:54 8:09 153/675 27/59 130/420 340/675 34/3
ChipStart 1:26 7:01:28 164/678 28/59 133/422 133/678
GunStart 0:00 7:00:03
Location Race Time Time of Day Pace Between Overall Place Division Place Sex Place Age Graded Place Passed / By
Finish 3:49:24 10:50:51 10:26 119/678 22/59 100/422 227/678 0/2
25.75M 3:44:42 10:46:10 9:49 117/675 21/58 99/421 225/675 5/7
21.4M 3:02:02 10:03:30 8:45 115/675 23/59 101/421 219/675 21/0
16.9M 2:22:40 9:24:08 8:18 136/675 26/59 116/421 257/675 15/2
13.1M 1:51:09 8:52:36 8:02 149/676 25/58 126/421 282/676 1/3
11.2M 1:35:54 8:37:21 8:52 147/675 25/58 125/419 279/675 7/21
4.6M 37:27 7:38:54 8:09 133/675 25/59 110/420 221/675 34/3
ChipStart 1:26 7:01:28 164/678 28/59 133/422 133/678
GunStart 0:00 7:00:03
Graphic Results
You placed 118 out of 678 runners overall
runner image
graphic results background
passed by25.75M to FINISH

You passed 0 runners in the overall category

You were passed by 2 runners in the overall category

You placed 119 out of 678 runners overall
runner image
graphic results background
passed by25.75M to FINISH

You passed 0 runners in the overall category

You were passed by 2 runners in the overall category

Race Summary




26.2 miles

Average Time



678 finishers


422 finishers


256 finishers