
Derric Ungaro


Bib: 488 Sex: M Age: 36 Residence: Woodstock, IL, USA




25M 12:44
23.1M 25:16
19.3M 19:48
16.2M 19:33
13.1M 44:33
10K 40:32
25M 12:44
23.1M 25:16
19.3M 19:48
16.2M 19:33
13.1M 44:33
10K 40:32

Average Pace

6:32 per mile (view kilometer pace) 6:33 per mile (view kilometer pace)

Age Graded %

72 percent (view time) 72 percent (view time)

Overall Place

129 out of 5620 128 out of 5620

Sex Place

113 out of 3277 Men 112 out of 3277 Men

Division Place

15 out of 411 Men in M3539 15 out of 411 Men in M3539
(See complete M3539 results)
Detailed Results
Location Race Time Time of Day Pace Between Overall Place Division Place Sex Place Age Graded Place Passed / By
Finish 2:51:03 10:38:21 7:13 129/5620 15/411 113/3277 255/5620 0/3
25M 2:42:24 10:29:42 6:42 125/5597 15/411 110/3262 247/5597 4/1
23.1M 2:29:40 10:16:58 6:39 128/5609 15/411 113/3272 248/5609 4/5
19.3M 2:04:25 9:51:42 6:24 127/5612 15/411 113/3273 248/5612 5/0
16.2M 1:44:37 9:31:55 6:19 132/5610 15/411 117/3272 267/5610 7/2
13.1M 1:25:05 9:12:22 6:29 136/5614 16/411 119/3273 281/5614 17/1
10K 40:32 8:27:50 6:32 155/5616 17/411 137/3275 304/5616 105/27
ChipStart 0:11 7:47:18 231/5620 25/411 196/3277 196/5620
GunStart 0:00 7:47:08
Location Race Time Time of Day Pace Between Overall Place Division Place Sex Place Age Graded Place Passed / By
Finish 2:51:03 10:38:21 7:13 128/5620 15/411 112/3277 251/5620 0/3
25M 2:42:24 10:29:42 6:42 125/5597 15/411 110/3262 242/5597 4/1
23.1M 2:29:40 10:16:58 6:39 128/5609 15/411 113/3272 241/5609 4/5
19.3M 2:04:25 9:51:42 6:24 127/5612 15/411 113/3273 244/5612 5/0
16.2M 1:44:37 9:31:55 6:19 132/5610 15/411 117/3272 251/5610 7/2
13.1M 1:25:05 9:12:22 6:29 137/5614 16/411 119/3273 260/5614 17/1
10K 40:32 8:27:50 6:32 153/5616 17/411 133/3275 265/5616 105/27
ChipStart 0:11 7:47:18 231/5620 25/411 196/3277 196/5620
GunStart 0:00 7:47:08
Graphic Results
You placed 129 out of 5620 runners overall
runner image
graphic results background
passed by25M to FINISH

You passed 0 runners in the overall category

You were passed by 3 runners in the overall category

You placed 128 out of 5620 runners overall
runner image
graphic results background
passed by25M to FINISH

You passed 0 runners in the overall category

You were passed by 3 runners in the overall category

Race Summary




26.2 miles

Average Time



5620 finishers


3277 finishers


2343 finishers