
Elizabeth Canton


Bib: 12837 Sex: F Age: N/A Residence: KIWANIS CLUB OF NEW KINGSTON




3K 8:46
2K 9:55
1K 9:57
3K 8:46
2K 9:55
1K 9:57

Average Pace

14:52 per mile (view kilometer pace) 15:26 per mile (view kilometer pace)

Overall Place

5915 out of 14172 3962 out of 14172

Sex Place

1793 out of 7805 Women 1119 out of 7805 Women

Division Place

39 out of 139 Women in F6099 32 out of 139 Women in F6099
(See complete F6099 results)
Detailed Results
Location Race Time Time of Day Pace Between Overall Place Division Place Sex Place Passed / By
Finish 52:44 8:22:46 14:17 5915/14172 39/139 1793/7805 157/1289
3K 30:34 8:00:36 14:07 4430/9905 37/100 1599/5814 713/299
2K 21:48 7:51:50 15:58 5994/11916 49/129 2317/6833 197/1917
1K 11:53 7:41:55 16:01 3282/6170 32/66 1736/3957 1310/381
ChipStart 1:56 7:31:58 2453/14172 31/139 1302/7805
GunStart 0:00 7:30:02
Location Race Time Time of Day Pace Between Overall Place Division Place Sex Place Passed / By
Finish 52:44 8:22:46 14:17 3962/14172 32/139 1119/7805 157/1289
3K 30:34 8:00:36 14:07 2830/9905 25/100 957/5814 713/299
2K 21:48 7:51:50 15:58 3244/11916 35/129 1163/6833 197/1917
1K 11:53 7:41:55 16:01 1524/6170 20/66 756/3957 1310/381
ChipStart 1:56 7:31:58 2453/14172 31/139 1302/7805
GunStart 0:00 7:30:02
Graphic Results
You placed 5915 out of 14172 runners overall
runner image
graphic results background
passed by3K to FINISH

You passed 157 runners in the overall category

You were passed by 1289 runners in the overall category

You placed 3962 out of 14172 runners overall
runner image
graphic results background
passed by3K to FINISH

You passed 157 runners in the overall category

You were passed by 1289 runners in the overall category

Race Summary




5.5 kilometers

Average Time



14172 finishers


7805 finishers


6367 finishers