
Xavier Graham


Bib: 8300 Sex: M Age: N/A Residence: BERTS AUTO PARTS




3K 4:09
2K 4:20
1K 4:18
3K 4:09
2K 4:20
1K 4:18

Average Pace

7:04 per mile (view kilometer pace) 7:32 per mile (view kilometer pace)

Overall Place

113 out of 14172 105 out of 14172

Sex Place

107 out of 6367 Men 99 out of 6367 Men

Division Place

33 out of 1942 Men in M2029 30 out of 1942 Men in M2029
(See complete M2029 results)
Detailed Results
Location Race Time Time of Day Pace Between Overall Place Division Place Sex Place Passed / By
Finish 25:42 7:55:44 7:18 113/14172 33/1942 107/6367 19/33
3K 14:23 7:44:25 6:41 61/9905 12/1241 58/4091 163/1
2K 10:14 7:40:16 6:59 186/11916 57/1507 134/5083 113/86
1K 5:54 7:35:56 6:56 126/6170 40/640 88/2213 1893/3
ChipStart 1:36 7:31:38 2170/14172 295/1942 1033/6367
GunStart 0:00 7:30:02
Location Race Time Time of Day Pace Between Overall Place Division Place Sex Place Passed / By
Finish 25:42 7:55:44 7:18 105/14172 30/1942 99/6367 19/33
3K 14:23 7:44:25 6:41 91/9905 22/1241 84/4091 163/1
2K 10:14 7:40:16 6:59 253/11916 76/1507 196/5083 113/86
1K 5:54 7:35:56 6:56 280/6170 79/640 210/2213 1893/3
ChipStart 1:36 7:31:38 2170/14172 295/1942 1033/6367
GunStart 0:00 7:30:02
Graphic Results
You placed 113 out of 14172 runners overall
runner image
graphic results background
passed by3K to FINISH

You passed 19 runners in the overall category

You were passed by 33 runners in the overall category

You placed 105 out of 14172 runners overall
runner image
graphic results background
passed by3K to FINISH

You passed 19 runners in the overall category

You were passed by 33 runners in the overall category

Race Summary




5.5 kilometers

Average Time



14172 finishers


7805 finishers


6367 finishers