
Andgean Hinds


Bib: 33182 Sex: F Age: N/A Residence: UWI MONA COMMUTING STUDENTS




3K 10:33
2K N/A
1K N/A
3K 10:33
2K N/A
1K N/A

Average Pace

16:20 per mile (view kilometer pace) 17:34 per mile (view kilometer pace)

Overall Place

1753 out of 8993 1786 out of 8993

Sex Place

1025 out of 6695 Women 1121 out of 6695 Women

Division Place

41 out of 284 Women in F1119 44 out of 284 Women in F1119
(See complete F1119 results)
Detailed Results
Location Race Time Time of Day Pace Between Overall Place Division Place Sex Place Passed / By
Finish 1:00:00 9:00:01 15:11 1753/8993 41/284 1025/6695 403/696
3K 36:25 8:36:26 16:59 1370/5578 47/209 939/4382 680/186
2K 25:52 8:25:53 N/A 1693/6910 46/227 1128/5246 0/1987
1K N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
ChipStart 4:11 8:04:12 4224/8993 133/284 3118/6695
GunStart 0:00 8:00:01
Location Race Time Time of Day Pace Between Overall Place Division Place Sex Place Passed / By
Finish 1:00:00 9:00:01 15:11 1786/8993 44/284 1121/6695 403/696
3K 36:25 8:36:26 16:59 1493/5578 51/209 1090/4382 680/186
2K 25:52 8:25:53 N/A 1987/6910 61/227 1435/5246 0/1987
1K N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
ChipStart 4:11 8:04:12 4224/8993 133/284 3118/6695
GunStart 0:00 8:00:01
Graphic Results
You placed 1753 out of 8993 walkers overall
walker image
graphic results background
passed by3K to FINISH

You passed 403 walkers in the overall category

You were passed by 696 walkers in the overall category

You placed 1786 out of 8993 walkers overall
walker image
graphic results background
passed by3K to FINISH

You passed 403 walkers in the overall category

You were passed by 696 walkers in the overall category

Race Summary




5.5 kilometers

Average Time



8993 finishers


6695 finishers


2298 finishers