
Shawna Heilman


Bib: 8091 Sex: F Age: 18 Residence: Mound, MN, USA




25M 25:26
23.1M 48:22
19.3M 38:16
16.2M 38:56
13.1M 1:15:47
10K 53:16
25M 25:26
23.1M 48:22
19.3M 38:16
16.2M 38:56
13.1M 1:15:47
10K 53:16

Average Pace

11:14 per mile (view kilometer pace) 11:16 per mile (view kilometer pace)

Age Graded %

46 percent (view time) 46 percent (view time)

Overall Place

4449 out of 5788 4330 out of 5788

Sex Place

1638 out of 2363 Women 1573 out of 2363 Women

Division Place

21 out of 35 Women in F1218 20 out of 35 Women in F1218
(See complete F1218 results)
Detailed Results
Location Race Time Time of Day Pace Between Overall Place Division Place Sex Place Age Graded Place Passed / By
Finish 4:54:08 12:41:06 11:47 4449/5788 21/35 1638/2363 4329/5788 15/39
25M 4:40:00 12:26:58 13:23 4428/5740 19/31 1619/2334 4236/5740 12/106
23.1M 4:14:35 12:01:32 12:44 4343/5740 20/33 1576/2337 4159/5740 54/125
19.3M 3:26:13 11:13:11 12:21 4308/5773 18/34 1536/2357 4095/5773 41/168
16.2M 2:47:57 10:34:55 12:34 4222/5775 19/34 1462/2356 3983/5775 7/477
13.1M 2:09:02 9:56:00 11:01 3797/5782 15/34 1248/2359 3481/5782 3/1740
10K 53:16 8:40:14 8:35 2171/5784 6/35 545/2362 1836/5784 113/826
ChipStart 1:03 7:46:58 1094/5788 4/35 200/2363 200/5788
GunStart 0:00 7:45:56
Location Race Time Time of Day Pace Between Overall Place Division Place Sex Place Age Graded Place Passed / By
Finish 4:54:08 12:41:06 11:47 4330/5788 20/35 1573/2363 4216/5788 15/39
25M 4:40:00 12:26:58 13:23 4306/5740 17/31 1563/2334 4105/5740 12/106
23.1M 4:14:35 12:01:32 12:44 4212/5740 17/33 1506/2337 4022/5740 54/125
19.3M 3:26:13 11:13:11 12:21 4141/5773 16/34 1441/2357 3939/5773 41/168
16.2M 2:47:57 10:34:55 12:34 4014/5775 16/34 1368/2356 3772/5775 7/477
13.1M 2:09:02 9:56:00 11:01 3544/5782 10/34 1125/2359 3208/5782 3/1740
10K 53:16 8:40:14 8:35 1807/5784 6/35 409/2362 1574/5784 113/826
ChipStart 1:03 7:46:58 1094/5788 4/35 200/2363 200/5788
GunStart 0:00 7:45:56
Graphic Results
You placed 4449 out of 5788 runners overall
runner image
graphic results background
passed by25M to FINISH

You passed 15 runners in the overall category

You were passed by 39 runners in the overall category

You placed 4330 out of 5788 runners overall
runner image
graphic results background
passed by25M to FINISH

You passed 15 runners in the overall category

You were passed by 39 runners in the overall category

Race Summary




26.2 miles

Average Time



5788 finishers


3425 finishers


2363 finishers