
Emily Rodman


Bib: 3091 Sex: F Age: 39 Residence: Upper Arlington, OH




20M 34:49
16M 24:23
13.1 31:38
15K 43:12
7K 35:00
20M 34:49
16M 24:23
13.1 31:38
15K 43:12
7K 35:00

Average Pace

8:31 per mile (view kilometer pace) 8:32 per mile (view kilometer pace)

Age Graded %

62 percent (view time) 62 percent (view time)

Overall Place

706 out of 3592 682 out of 3592

Sex Place

170 out of 1607 Women 163 out of 1607 Women

Division Place

32 out of 297 Women in F3539 31 out of 297 Women in F3539
(See complete F3539 results)
Detailed Results
Location Race Time Time of Day Pace Between Overall Place Division Place Sex Place Age Graded Place Passed / By
Finish 3:42:56 11:13:45 8:42 706/3592 32/297 170/1607 534/3592 102/10
20M 2:49:00 10:19:50 8:43 808/3592 40/297 189/1607 593/3592 60/17
16M 2:14:12 9:45:01 8:25 895/3588 42/296 209/1606 661/3588 13/16
13.1 1:49:49 9:20:38 8:23 921/3588 44/296 218/1603 664/3588 26/25
15K 1:18:11 8:49:01 8:41 951/3588 45/296 227/1605 664/3588 4/119
7K 35:00 8:05:49 8:04 833/3590 39/296 191/1606 632/3590 29/392
ChipStart 0:31 7:30:50 337/3592 16/297 50/1607 50/3592
GunStart 0:00 7:30:20
Location Race Time Time of Day Pace Between Overall Place Division Place Sex Place Age Graded Place Passed / By
Finish 3:42:56 11:13:45 8:42 682/3592 31/297 163/1607 509/3592 102/10
20M 2:49:00 10:19:50 8:43 774/3592 37/297 180/1607 569/3592 60/17
16M 2:14:12 9:45:01 8:25 817/3588 39/296 188/1606 623/3588 13/16
13.1 1:49:49 9:20:38 8:23 814/3588 39/296 186/1603 616/3588 26/25
15K 1:18:11 8:49:01 8:41 815/3588 40/296 185/1605 607/3588 4/119
7K 35:00 8:05:49 8:04 700/3590 34/296 152/1606 529/3590 29/392
ChipStart 0:31 7:30:50 337/3592 16/297 50/1607 50/3592
GunStart 0:00 7:30:20
Graphic Results
You placed 706 out of 3592 runners overall
runner image
graphic results background
passed by20M to FINISH

You passed 102 runners in the overall category

You were passed by 10 runners in the overall category

You placed 682 out of 3592 runners overall
runner image
graphic results background
passed by20M to FINISH

You passed 102 runners in the overall category

You were passed by 10 runners in the overall category

Race Summary




26.2 miles

Average Time



3592 finishers


1985 finishers


1607 finishers